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When it comes to international depositions, we have seen and done it all. Check out just a few of the depositions we have already successfully arranged around the world.
Success Story: Ghent, Belgium
Sheree Martin, Global Deposition Assistant, highlights a law firm’s challenge and how our deposition services helped deliver a hassle-free deposition in Belgium.

Success Story: U.S. Law Firm Needs a Court Reporter For a Deposition in Canada, Help!

Success Story: U.S. attorneys need help setting up a deposition in Hong Kong.

Success Story: A United States court reporting agency needs realtime reporter for a depo in Jerusalem, Israel.

Case Study: Client needs to arrange a deposition in Osaka, Japan.

Case Study: A U.S. reporting agency in Houston has a special request setting up a depo in England

Success Story: A U.S. court reporting agency needs to arrange several depositions in Frankfurt, Germany

Success Story: How we helped our client set up a deposition in Singapore

Optima Juris Success Story: Setting up a deposition in Manila, Philippines
Tell us what you need and we’ll get back to you within a few hours.
You can always give us a call 24/7 at 1.855.678.4628.