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YES! You can schedule court reporters for
depositions or arbitrations in Seoul
Scheduling or Questions? Call 1.855.678.4628
Do you need a court reporter for a deposition or an arbitration?
International Arbitrations in Seoul
Visit our Arbitration Resource page to find out more on scheduling a court reporter for an international arbitration in Seoul.
U.S. Depositions in Seoul: What you need to know
Before you schedule a court reporter in Seoul, learn more about the rules and regulations regarding U.S. depositions in Seoul.
Are there any restrictions on holding a U.S. depo in Seoul?
Voluntary depositions of U.S. citizen witnesses may be conducted in Seoul, provided no compulsion is used. Voluntary depositions of Korean and third country nationals must be undertaken pursuant to a request to the Korean Central Authority for the Hague Evidence Convention and in the context of the Republic of Korea court system. Please contact us to learn more.
Can depos in Seoul take place at any venue (hotel, conference room, etc.)?
Depositions in Seoul can take place at the venue of your choosing, whether that be a hotel, law firm office, conference room, or videoconferencing facility.
Does a U.S. passport holder need a visa to enter Seoul?
U.S. passport holders may enter Seoul for up to 90 days for tourist or business purposes without a visa.
Are there region-based court reporters for U.S. depositions in Seoul?
Optima Juris has experienced, Asia-based court reporters available for your deposition in Seoul.
Can Optima Juris help me set up my depo?
We will take care of all the tricky logistics so you don’t have to stress about the details.
Must-read guide for setting up a depo in Seoul, South Korea
Our experts have created a complimentary guide every lawyer, paralegal and court reporting agency should read. The International Depo Guide for South Korea is a 6-page PDF that covers frequently asked questions, tips on how to swear in a witness abroad, best options for deposing a witness remotely, a user-friendly checklist, and travel tips.
ViewAs CEO of Optima Juris, I guarantee that you will be getting the highest quality deposition services abroad. We stand by our services 100% and most importantly, we take away the anxiety of scheduling an international depo.
Optima Juris’ 100% Peace of Mind Guarantee*
At Optima Juris we are committed to providing you with the very best deposition services abroad without the stress or hassle. We guarantee that your court reporter and deposition team will show up on-time, where instructed, and that the results (transcript, video, interpretation, etc.) will be at the same level you would expect when conducting a deposition in your home town in the States. If that’s not the case, we’ll refund you fully for the defective service, no questions asked. This guarantee is subject to limitations, exclusions, and conditions as outlined in our terms & conditions.
GET TO KNOW USDo you have a question about setting up a virtual, hybrid, or in-person deposition or arbitration? Our experts are here to help!
Give us a call 24/7 at 1.855.678.4628.
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