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Although Brazil does not permit the taking of depos for U.S. courts, there is a workaround to get the testimony you need.

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Brazil Reporters: What you need to know

Before you schedule a court reporter in Brazil, learn more about the rules and regulations regarding U.S. depositions in Brazil.


Are there any restrictions on holding a U.S. depo in Brazil?


Brazilian authorities do not permit persons, such as American attorneys, to take depositions for use in a court in the United States. Such action potentially could result in the arrest, detention, expulsion, or deportation of the American attorney or other American participants. The Brazilian prohibition on taking depositions by foreign persons extends to telephone or video teleconference depositions initiated from the United States of a witness in Brazil.


Is there a workaround for deposing a witness based in Brazil?


The best solution is to have your witness travel from Brazil to Colombia and take your deposition there. Depositions are completely legal in Colombia and there are no restrictions for taking them outside of Brazil.


Can depos in Colombia take place at any venue (hotel, conference room, etc.)?


Depositions in Colombia can take place at the venue of your choosing, whether that be a hotel, law firm office, conference room, or videoconferencing facility.


Does a U.S. passport holder need a visa to enter Colombia?


U.S. passport holders may enter Colombia for up to 90 days for tourist or business purposes without a visa.


Are there court reporters in Latin America for U.S. depositions?


Optima Juris has court reporters throughout Latin America, which means lower travel costs for you.


Can Optima Juris help me set up my depo?


We will take care of all the tricky logistics so you don’t have to stress about the details.

Expert international court reporting services in Colombia for a Brazil-based witness

Optima Juris has everything you need to successfully depose a Brazil-based witness in Colombia. We work with elite court reporters and legal professionals to make sure your deposition or arbitration is in the right hands.

International Court Reporters - Optima Juris Court Reporting Agency
Region-based court reporters

Our trusted court reporters have extensive international experience, along with the know-how to get the job done with the highest-quality results.

International Court Reporters - Optima Juris Court Reporting Agency
Legal videographers

Legal videographers trained in the U.S. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, so you can be sure that your video record will be taken in a manner consistent with your jurisdiction’s requirements.

International Court Reporters - Optima Juris Court Reporting Agency

Internationally-accredited language professionals with deposition experience and unbending standards of quality.

Court Reporters for International Arbitrations - Optima Juris Court Reporting Agency

Our leading network of 2,500+ videoconference and telepresence facilities is unmatched by any of our competitors.

International Court Reporters - Optima Juris Court Reporting Agency
Remote Depositions

Remote depositions allow attorneys to conduct international depositions without the cost or hassle of traveling to the witness. There are 2 types of remote depositions: Court Reporter with the Witness AND Court Reporter NOT with the Witness.

Must-read guide for setting up a depo in Brazil

Our experts have created a complimentary guide every lawyer, paralegal and court reporting agency should read. The International Depo Guide for Brazil is a 6-page PDF that covers frequently asked questions, tips on how to swear in a witness abroad, best options for deposing a witness remotely, a user-friendly checklist, and travel tips.


Options for attending your deposition or arbitration of a Brazil-based witness in Colombia

Thanks to better Internet connectivity worldwide, many new options have arisen for conducting a deposition or arbitration anywhere in the world. Below is a reference guide of the different options for your deposition or arbitration in Colombia.

Attending Deposition In Person

Attorneys, court reporter, videographer, and interpreter physically present with the witness.*

Typically this an ideal
scenario to get the clearest record and you are less likely to encounter technical issues.

Travel costs can add up quickly.

International Court Reporters - Optima Juris Court Reporting Agency
Videoconference Facility

Attorneys participate remotely. Court reporter, videographer, and interpreter physically present with the witness.*

Advantages: Having the court reporter present with the witness is ideal for the clearest record. You can save on travel costs by having the attorneys participate remotely.

Disadvantages: Some travel costs may incur for the court reporter, although our goal is always to find the closest court reporter to your witness.

International Court Reporters - Optima Juris Court Reporting Agency
Remote Depositions

Attorneys, witness, and court reporter participate remotely from different locations.*

Advantages: Cost-effective solution that allows everyone to participate remotely without needing to travel. Our court reporters are trained in remote depositions and know how to get the clearest record.

Disadvantages: Remote connections can be prone to pauses, interruptions, and/or connection lost due to network issues.

*For the best and clearest record we always recommend that the court reporter, videographer and interpreter be physically present with the witness.

As CEO of Optima Juris, I guarantee that you will be getting the highest quality deposition services abroad. We stand by our services 100% and most importantly, we take away the anxiety of scheduling an international depo.

Ian Hardy
Find court reporters anywhere in the world

Optima Juris’ 100% Peace of Mind Guarantee*

At Optima Juris we are committed to providing you with the very best deposition services abroad without the stress or hassle. We guarantee that your court reporter and deposition team will show up on-time, where instructed, and that the results (transcript, video, interpretation, etc.) will be at the same level you would expect when conducting a deposition in your home town in the States. If that’s not the case, we’ll refund you fully for the defective service, no questions asked. This guarantee is subject to limitations, exclusions, and conditions as outlined in our terms & conditions.


Do you have a question about setting up a virtual, hybrid, or in-person deposition or arbitration? Our experts are here to help!

Give us a call 24/7 at 1.855.678.4628.

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