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International Deposition Blog
court reporters abroad, international court reporting

Setting Up A Deposition Abroad? Top Things Attorneys Must Know Part I

Ian Hardy / February 17, 2021

Originally published on June 28, 2011. This article was updated on February 17, 2021. Our rapidly globalizing world means that big cases (and small) are no longer restricted to the U.S. when it comes to discovery and the taking of evidence. With increasing regularity, litigation attorneys of all stripes and specialties find themselves involved in…

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International Deposition Hotspots

Everything You Need to Know About Depositions in South Korea (Updated 2020)

Kimberlee Castro / November 23, 2020

Optima Juris has been scheduling depositions in South Korea for over 20 years. Before scheduling your deposition in South Korea, read through these important FAQs: Can I depose a willing witness in South Korea? Yes, but there are restrictions: Voluntary depositions of U.S. citizen witnesses may be conducted in South Korea, provided no compulsion is…

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Depositions in England, Covid 19

Your options for US depositions in England during Covid-19

Karen Fahr / October 20, 2020

Yes, you can hold a (virtual) deposition in England. Taking U.S. depositions in England is permissible and in general, you can depose willing witnesses in England without any special formalities or involvement of foreign courts. Depositions in England can take place remotely, and this is a good option for attorneys who are unable to travel…

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Discover the Best of Canada With a Virtual Visit

Karen Fahr / August 20, 2020

Optima Juris’ Virtual Destination Series: With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, our content team is focusing on virtual destinations to help our clients discover popular cities, attractions and local customs from our most requested deposition countries. Depositions in Canada are commonly used in litigation as they are in the United States making it a very popular…

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deposition services in Switzerland, court reporter in Switzerland

Virtual Tour of Switzerland’s Enchanting Regions

Karen Fahr / July 22, 2020

It’s the perfect time for a virtual visit of one of the most enchanting places on earth – Switzerland. Typically, thousands flock to Switzerland each year to enjoy its beautiful landscapes filled with dramatic mountains, clear blue lakes, premium chocolate, and picturesque towns. Let’s virtually journey through some of these stunning locations Switzerland has to…

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A Regional Guide to Depositions in South America (updated 2020)

Ian Hardy / July 22, 2020

Are there any restrictions on holding a U.S. depo in … Argentina Yes The taking of voluntary depositions of willing witnesses outside of making a formal request under the Hague Evidence Convention is not permitted in Argentina, regardless of the nationality of the witness. Bolivia Yes Local authorities do not permit foreign persons, such as…

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A Regional Guide to Depositions in Europe (updated 2020)

Ian Hardy / July 20, 2020

Are there any restrictions on holding a U.S. depo in … Belgium No Taking U.S. depositions in Belgium is permissible and in general, you can depose willing witnesses in Belgium without any special formalities or involvement of foreign courts. Czech Republic No Taking U.S. depositions in the Czech Republic is permissible and in general, you…

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